Thursday, 2 August 2018

XRF Analyzer is portable, multi-tasking and accurate for coating purpose

Portable and handheld X-Ray fluorescence play an important role in geoscientific projects.  However, this can mislead users if the procedures are not handled properly. Portable ones are accurate and fast at the same time. This makes the enrichment and extraction methods more convenient. With advanced statistics, it provides real-time data, which improves timely process, adjustments and improvement in productivity. Along with this it also eases the process with reducing the need for reprocessing.

In addition, advanced XRF analyzer manufacturers have also started coming with embedded GPS in order to increase more efficiency by recording the exact location. This technology is mostly used in mine site where it is important to take over environmental, financial, and social responsibility. Handheld XRF analyzers are instant at providing analysis effectively, and in addition, it can be used for different mining applications. In this era of mining costs, make sure that your instruments can be multi-tasking.

Benefits of XRF Analyzer

Quality products can be delivered only by accurate thickness and this helps the manufacturers in growing their sales. Coating should be with appropriate thickness as too much thickness can affect the manufacturing cost. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a tool that can be fast and efficient and deliver results within few seconds. XRF analyzer is one such tool, which is portable and light in weight, and can even be used on large samples.

Coatings are needed for numerous purposes like decorative, protective for electronic instruments and functional purposes. Some of the common applications of coatings are as follows:-
* Shielded electronic equipments
* Coating thickness Analyzer used to protect steel and iron from rusting
* Thin coating of polymer or alloy on solar cells
* Nickel and zinc coating for electrical wiring

XRF analyzer can measure coating thickness depending on the material. X-ray rays are emitted on the sample, which causes fluoresce and the analyzer uses the recorded data to calculate the thickness required for accurate coating. There are many factors, which influence the right usage of this instrument, and so get it done from professionals. 

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